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Microsoft Bing is a web search engine, similar to Google, owned and operated by Microsoft. It’s currently seen as the second most successful search engine in the world. The search engine is based on Microsofts previous search engines called MSN Search, Windows Live Search and Live Search. All of them never were as successful and known as the Google search. However, Microsoft managed to mach Bing the clear number 2 in the market.

Find out more about the history of Bing in Wikipedia or simply try it out online.

Something to know and helpful if you do research in the internet: Try both, Bing and Google. Frequently they have different results!

About the How To’s

The how to’s, guidelines and tutorials that you can find in this category provide you generally with instructions and ideas that can be use- or helpful for you to resolve a certain challenge or to improve a certain situation. The how to’s have no right for correctness nor you should use them without thinking about the content. You should even challenge and understand the how to’s in order to ensure appropriate usage for your use case.


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