MariaDB is known for having better performance than MySQL and it is thereby a great candidate or OpenHAB. This How To Install MariaDB On OpenHAB (openhabian) helps you to learn how to leverage on it! Index of This How To Install MariaDB On OpenHAB (openhabian)! Background How to Install MariaDB...
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Explore this great repository for phpMyAdmin how to’s. You will find phpMyAdmin relevant guidelines, how to’s and tutorials.
phpMyAdmin is an open-source web-based administration tool for managing MySQL based databases. The tool allows to leverage on a graphical user interface (GUI) that is easy to use. This GUI is ideal for performing various database management tasks. These tasks include creating and editing databases, tables, and queries, as well as managing user accounts and permissions.
phpMyAdmin is written in PHP and thereby compatible with most web servers. This is why it is called phpMyAdmin. The tooling based on the PHP program language supports multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, and many others.
I recommend to simply try out the tool, play around with it and to make your own picture. I am confident, that many of you will like it!
About the How To’s
The how to’s, guidelines and tutorials that you can find in this category provide you generally with instructions and ideas that can be use- or helpful for you to resolve a certain challenge or to improve a certain situation. The how to’s have no right for correctness nor you should use them without thinking about the content. You should even challenge and understand the how to’s in order to ensure appropriate usage for your use case.
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