There are various options to convert a YouTube video to MP3. There is one option that I really like, hence I thought you maybe like it too. This how to convert YouTube to MP3 with Chrome will explain you in simple steps how you can get this done.
Depending on the country you are living in, there properly are copyright laws. Please ensure you are in line with these laws before you execute the below. The below how to is only to share with you how you can convert YouTube to Mp3. After execution of this how to we have deleted all files.
By executing this how to convert YouTube to MP3 you will be leveraging on two tools available for free in the internet. Please ensure you have these tools available on your computer before you start. For this how to we use a Mac, but it should also work with other computers.
- Download Google Chrome
- Download YouTube Mp3 Converter (You must have installed first Google Chrome and open this link in Google Chrome)

Convert YouTube to MP3 – Google Chrome Download

Convert YouTube to MP3 – Chrome Extension
How to convert YouTube to Mp3 with Chrome and Download
Converting YouTube videos to MP3 is really simple, if the right tools are installed. Please check the Background section of this how to convert YouTube to Mp3 and Download before you start.
Once you installed Google Chrome and the YouTube MP3 Converter (see Background chapter) you simple surf to YouTube and search for the video you like to convert into Mp3. You will notice, that below the video there is a new MP3 Logo. Simply click it. It will open a dialogue window that allows you to select the preferred options for downloading the MP3.
Once you successfully selected your preferred options, hit the download button. Depending on your internet speed you will find the downloaded MP3 file on your computer.
Additional Information
Depending on the country you are living in, there properly are copyright laws. Please ensure you are in line with these laws before you execute the below.
MP3 is a coding format to digitalise audio. It was developed largely by Frauenhofer in Germany, with support from digital scientists in the United States. After release, MP3 did become as THE file format for digital music for many decades and it still is a very common format in the internet and audio world.
With this blog I maintain a YouTube Channel. If you like, I would appreciate if you watch out for it and even recommend it or add it to your favourites. I will poste from time to time new videos.
If you like to learn more about MP3, then you like to read this article to the Fraunhofer IIS. Also Wikipedia is actually providing you with lots of background and additional information about MP3.