This how to help you to create QR Codes with iPhone. To do so, you do not need to download any app or additional software. You simply can leverage on the Apple Shortcuts App.

How To Create QR Codes With iPhone
Index Of How To Create QR Codes With iPhone
Whilst the first idea most likely is to download an app for creating QR codes, there is most likely the to you unknown option in an Apple iPhone that already allows you to create QR codes. This option does not require any additional App to be installed, nor any in-app payment or any other sort of costs. Instead, simply leverage on what Apple already provides to you.
How To Create QR Codes With iPhone
To create QR codes we leverage on the Apple Shortcut App, that already should be installed on your iPhone. In case you cannot find the by Apple provided Shortcuts App on your iPhone, simply install it via the App Store.
Step by Step Guide:

Create QR Codes With iPhone – –
- Open the Shortcuts App
- Tap on the upper right corner the Plus “+”
- Search for “QR” and you will see two options “Scan QR Code or Barcode” and “Generate QR Code“. Select “Generate QR Code“.
- As the “Next Action” select “Save to Photo Album” under the “Next Action Suggestions” section.
- Optional: The action you have generated would now be called “Save to Photo Album”. This you maybe do not like. In order to change this, tab on the title and select “Rename”. Now you provide whatever naming you prefer. I called it “Generate QR Code”
- Tab “Done”
- In the photo App you now can find your newly created QR code
Once you created the Shortcut, than the best idea ist to simply try and error 🙂
Additional Information
What are QR Codes
A QR code, also called Quick Response codes, are a two-dimensional barcodes. They store information in a pattern of black squares arranged on a white background.
Originally created for tracking parts in the automotive industry, QR codes have become widely popular. They are scanned using a device with a camera, such as an iPhone or any other smartphone. This is allowing users to quickly access information or perform actions by scanning the QR code.
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