This small How To helps you to find out the Debian Linux Version your system is running. It actually needs only a simple command.
Index Of How To Find Out Debian Linux Version
In this scenario i am using:
- Debian Linux 11 (bullseye), 32 Bit
- Raspberry Pi 4
This information is relevant for you, as maybe you have an other environment and the below how to might slightly needs to be changed to work for you. For this reason you like to not simply copy and paste the comments, but also consider your situation carefully and adapt where necessary.
Find Out Debian Linux Version
One single command helps you to find out your Debian Linux Version! Simply fire the below command:
lsb_release -d
This command should output something that looks like this:
Description: Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
I think its quite clear! This system is running on Debian Linux 11 Bullseye.
Now let’s find out, whether its running on 32 or 64 bit. To find this out, you fire the below command:
getconf LONG_BIT
This command will output something like the below (which in this case simply is 32):
$ getconf LONG_BIT 32
This means, this system is running on 32 bit. If it would have been “64”, then of course, the system would run on 64 bit.
Additional Information
More information about Debian Linux can be found in this great repository!
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