This guide helps to get PARTUUID on OpenHAB 3.x.x. Its actually very easy to get it, lets run thru step by step.

Get PARTUUID on OpenHAB 3.x.x
Index of How To Get PARTUUID On OpenHAB 3.x.x
For this how to I am using an OpenHABian OpenHAB 3.3.0 installation. This is installed on a Raspberry Pi 4 with 4GB of memory.
The PARTUUID is used to uniquely identify a partition in the Linux operating system. Since Openhabian is a Debian based Linux, we can leverage on standard Linux commands in order to grab the PARTUUID of you installed storage drives, such as USB drives.
How to Get PARTUUID on OpenHAB 3.x.x
To get the PARTUUID of your installed storage drives we will be leveraging on the lsblk command. If you need to find the PARTUUID of a new storage drive (e.g. USB stick or drive) then I strongly recommend to fire lsblk without having the new storage drive plugged. Once done, you plug the new storage drive, fire the below lsblk command again and compare the two results. This way the PARTUUID of the newly plugged storage device gets pretty obvious.
Lets run lsblk to get the PARTUUID of my Raspberry Pi with OpenHAB 3.0.0 installed on it.
This command will result into something similar to the below (of course, in your case it will look different.
openhabian@OpenHAB:~ $ lsblk -o NAME,FSTYPE,LABEL,PARTUUID,MOUNTPOINT,SIZE,MODEL NAME FSTYPE LABEL PARTUUID MOUNTPOINT SIZE MODEL sda 476.9G Corsair_Voyager_GTX ├─sda1 vfat c6e1249c-01 /boot 256M └─sda2 ext4 OpenHAB c6e1249c-02 / 476.7G sdb 931.5G Elements_2621 ├─sdb1 vfat 6937bdbf-01 256M └─sdb2 ext4 6937bdbf-02 931.2G zram0 [SWAP] 1G zram1 /opt/zram/zram1 750M zram2 /opt/zram/zram2 1G openhabian@OpenHAB:~ $
What you can see in the above are the PARTUUIDs for 4 different partitions.
- c6e1249c-01 and c6e1249c-02 are two different partitions, each with a unique PARTUUID that belong to the Corsair Voyager GTX USB stick
- 6937bdbf-01 and 6937bdbf-02 are two different partitions, each with a unique PARTUUID that belong to the WD Elements 2621 USB drive
In a summary, this OpenHAB installation consists of two, one USB stick with two partitions and one external USB drive with two different partitions.
That’s it 🙂 Nothing else to say.
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