This how to how much memory does my Raspberry Pi have helps you to find it out with a simple command. If you know how, its actually something very easy to find out.
Of course there are many reasons why you like to find out the memory (RAM) available that your Raspi has. One of it could be that you like to know it because you like to install or operate an applications that has a high demand of memory. Another reason could be that you like to sell your Raspberry. Since the Covid-19 crisis and the following shortage of chips, it looks like selling the Raspberry could be a great deal in terms of profit.
How Much Memory Does My Raspberry Pi Have
Finding out how much memory your Raspberry Pi has is very easy. Simply execute the below command:
free -h
Your Raspberry will respond with something like this:

How Much Memory Does My Raspberry Pi Have
In these lines you can read out multiple things, The above tells you:
- The total Memory of the Raspberry is 1.8 GB, whereof 497 MB are used and important, overall 1.3 GB available.
- There is plenty of memory on this Raspberry available. its not really busy.
- Looking at the Raspberry options available on the market, this Raspberry is very likely to be a Raspberry with 2 GB Memory
Additional Information
Find more options for the free command in the man pages.