lsblk is a fantastic command to identify the PARTUUID of attached drives like USB sticks or drives. This How To Find PARTUUID Using lsblk explains you how to use the command.

How To Find PARTUUID Using lsblk
There are various scenarios requiring you to know the PARTUUID. At the end of the day it does not matter in which scenario you are, as the good news is, that it is easy to find the PARTUUID.
As for my environment and to allow you to compare:
- Raspberry Pi Model B
- OpenHABian 3.0.0
How To Find PARTUUID Using lsblk
Honestly, finding the PARTUUID is a very simple activity. You simply hit one command and you have it. Just fire the below command in your Linux terminal.
That’s it! The output would look similar like the below that gives you plenty of information about your devices, incl. the model or vendor of the drives used, the mount point or the label. Most important, it gives you the PARTUUID.

How To Find PARTUUID Using lsblk
There are many other options for using the lsblk command. You maybe like to check out the additional information chapter in the below that provides some links allowing to explore other options.
Additional Information
Of course, there are other ways to find out the PARTUUID as well as there are other Linux commands. You maybe like to check out the below sources to learn more.
- Find the man pages for the mount and umount Commands
- Man page for fstab
- Man page for lsblk
- Rbi-clone man page
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