You learn in this How To Install Curl On Debian installing curl and by this fixing the issue you potentially face that looks like this: -bash: curl: command not found

Install Curl On Debian
You most likely ended up on this website because you faced the error of “-bash: curl: command not found”. Now its actually easy for you to fix this issue by install curl. However, I like to give you the background on which this how to builds up. This is important for you to consider, especially in case the how to is not working for you as expected.
- Debian Linux Server
- Curl is not installed and needs to be installed
How To Install Curl On Debian
Installing Curl is very simple. You in a first step will update your system to ensure everything can be working well when you install curl. in a second step you will be installing curl. Please note, if for whatever reason you do not like to update your system, then you should not execute the updating command.
Update your system:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
You now updated successfully your system. Now lets install curl in order to avoid the above error message going forward. To do so, you execute the below command:
sudo apt install curl
That’s it!
Additional Information
Find some more information about curl on the curl man pages.
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