This how to helps to install Docker on a Mac M1 computer. It’s actually very simple. Just follow the below steps.
Docker promises to Develop faster. Run anywhere. This of course is something you like to have, leveraging on your Mac M1 computer. This how to is based on a Mac Mini M1 computer and uses the standard Docker installation procedure based on the Docker website’s installation file.
How to Install Docker on Mac M1
First of all, you need to download the installation file. For this you surf to the webpage. On this webpage you most likely find a starting page like this:

Install Docker on Mac M1
Simply clicking on “Download Docker Desktop” might brings you to the wrong place. Since you have a Mac M1 computer on which you like to install Docker you should select “Apple Chip” which is below the “Download Docker Desktop” button.
Clicking on Apple Chip turns into a download of a file that is most likely called “Docker.dmg” or similar.
Having this file in your downloads makes now your life easy. As you are used in the Mac world you simply double click it and go thru the installation procedure.

Install Docker on Mac M1
Couldn’t it be easier?
After successful installation, go to the Download folder and delete the file that most likely is called “Docker.dmg”. You probably don’t need this anymore. If the case, then anytime you should be able to download it again from the official website.
Finally, you go to your Application folder and start Docker.
Additional Information
Docker documentation can be found on the Docker documentation pages.
Docker also can be used for OpenHAB, an amazing smart Home Plattform. Check out this page for OpenHAB and Docker.
If you like to learn installing OpenHAB on a Raspberry Pi, then maybe this post is helping you.