This how to join Mastodon helps you to easily create an account and get started. Mastodon is a social networking platform that is often named as the new Twitter. Lets explore it!

How To Join Mastodon
Index of Join Mastodon:
Mastodon is often seen as the new Twitter or a Twitter competitor. Honestly, I personally do not look at it like this. I read about Mastodon, I am interested, hence I would like to give it a try on top of my Twitter account. Following this, I will see how it develops.
This how to explains you how you can create a Mastodon account and try it out yourself. I hope this is helpful for you.
Before opening an account, let’s quickly see how Mastodon positions itself. Here the key facts as of November 2022:
- Social networking that’s not for sale
- Your how feed should be filled with what matters to you most, and not what commercial think you should see
- Radically different to social media and back in the hands of people
- Stay in control of your own timeline
- Build your audience in confidence
- Moderating the way it should be
- Unparalleled creativity
- Open source and decentralised
- Interportable
How To Join Mastodon
First of all, you need to surf to the Mastodon webpage. Most likely the website very transparently will show you already the link to create an account.

Create a Mastodon Account
Guess what… To open an account, you hit the “Create Account” button. Most likely you would now expect to enter your email address, etc. This however is not the case. You now need to select a server first. That sounds complicated, however, you would like to select the server and region that fits most your interests. In case your decision turns out to be wrong at a later stage, don’t worry, you can change the server. Just select what you prefer.
Since I have not yet a lot of experience on Mastodon, I am going to select as it looks like it potentially could be a good fit to what I do with For this reason, I hit create an account.

MyHowTo.Blog joins on Mastodon
Now, here we go! Finally we arrived at the typical enter your email address and password screen 🙂

Sign Up for Mastodon
As in all register procedures, I now receive an email with a link to be clicked for validating my email address. Of course I do this. Once done, I arrive at my timeline. That’s it, I now can start to “tweet”, or how its called in the Mastodon world to “toot”
Additional Information
You can find additional information about Mastodon not only in Wikipedia, but also in many other sources in the internet. I found quite a good article in Cnet. Since I am new to Mastodon, I cannot give too many advices in this moment, but I look forward to write new how to’s later on.
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