This how to helps you to transform wind values of m/s into km/h with OpenHAB. It provides an example of a rule as well as the maths behind. This might be helpful for any sort of mathematical transformation that you like to do with your weather and wind data.

OpenHAB: How To Transform m/s into km/h
Index Of OpenHAB: How To Transform m/s into km/h
Background of OpenHAB: How To Transform m/s into km/h
I have a weather station that measures the wind speed in meters per second (m/s). This however is very difficult to understand, as generally we are far more used to km/h. Therefore, I was wondering how this can be calculated into km/h. After some research in the internet, I found a way that works quite well for me. It might be useful for you too.
My Enviornement:
- Raspberry Pi 4
- OpenHAB 4
- MDT Weather Station
OpenHAB: How To Transform m/s into km/h
First of all we need to create the necessary items in the .items file. In my case the items looks like this:
Number Weatherstation_Wind_Speed "Current Wind [%.1f m/s]" <wind> (All, gWetter, gSQLAllChanges) { channel="knx:device:bridge:MDT_1_1_3:MDT_1_1_3_Wind" } Number Windspeed_kmh "Current Wind [%.1f m/s]" <wind> (All, gWetter, gSQLAllChanges)
After I have done this, I have created a rule which basically calculates the wind in km/h. For this it is important to know that transforming from m/s into km/h there is the factor 3.6 to be used.
m/s multiplied by 3.6 = km/h
This is the rule I have created and that works very well for me:
rule "Calculate Wind in km/h" when Item Weatherstation_Wind_Speed changed then logInfo("Weatherstation_kmh.rules", "Rule execution started. Reason: Changed Item to Value of Weatherstation_Wind_Speed {}", Weatherstation_Wind_Speed.state) Windspeed_kmh.sendCommand((Weatherstation_Wind_Speed.state as Number) * 3.6) end
Additional Information
OpenHAB is a fantastic free open source software framework that allows you to do amazing stuff with your home and beyond! To find out how to install OpenHAB (which is very simple) check out the How To Setup a New OpenHAB.
Transform Meter per Seconds (m/s) into Miles per Hour (mph)
There is an additional How to that helps you to transform from m/s into mph. Please check out this great how to: OpenHAB: How To Transform m/s into miles per hour (mph)
Find out more about the great OpenHAB project
To find out more about the great OpenHAB project, check out the official project Website.
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