This how to helps you to fix OpenHAB: Scale Transformation Disabled After Restart. The problem is, scale transformation deactivated following restart.

Scale Transformation Disabled After Restart
Index Of OpenHAB: Scale Transformation Disabled After Restart
Background of OpenHAB: Scale Transformation Disabled After Restart
I use a standard OpenHAB 4 installation. For one of my configurations I am using the scale transformation service, but this turns into the error message which was in scope of one other How To called: OpenHAB: couldn’t transform value in label because transformationService of type ‘SCALE’ is unavailable.
However, after a while I figured out that every time I rested the system, the scale transformation disappeared again. Of course I did not like it and this how to describes how I fixed the issue.
My Enviornement:
- Raspberry Pi 4
- OpenHAB 4
- MDT Weather Station
OpenHAB: Scale Transformation Disabled After Restart
In my recent How To I have leveraged on the command line and the openhab-cli. This obviously is for OpenHAB too “old school”. The way I have resolved the issue is by simply leveraging on the guy and installing Scale Transformation under the menu -> Settings -> Other Add-ons -> Transformation Add-ons.
In this section, simply hit “Install” for the “Scale transformation” item.
That’s it. I tried to restart OpenHAB several times. Always the Scale transformation remained activated.
Additional Information
About OpenHAB
OpenHAB is a fantastic free open source software framework that allows you to do amazing stuff with your home and beyond! To find out how to install OpenHAB (which is very simple) check out the How To Setup a New OpenHAB.
Find out more about the great OpenHAB project
To find out more about the great OpenHAB project, check out the official project Website.
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