This how to helps for an OpenHABian Update. Its actually very simple and a single command will get this done for you.

OpenHAB – empowering the smarthome
Index of How To OpenHABian Update
As for my environment and to allow you to compare:
- Raspberry Pi Model B
- OpenHABian 3.0.0
How To OpenHABian Update
Updating OpenHAB is actually something really easy. You simply login on the console or terminal and connect by SSH to your OpenHAB. Following this, you execute the below command to get towards updating OpenHAB.
sudo openhabian-config
The good news is, that openHAB automatically identifies whether an update for your openHAB is available. Once you execute the above command, it will be telling you this immediately by the message of “OpenHABian update available”. This looks like the below.

Update OpenHAB (openhabian)
Simply say “Continue” to follow the recommendation and your openHAB will be updated. That’s basically it. After you updated, I suggest to test all functions to see, whether you need to conduct a rollback or whether you are happy with the update made.
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