This easy how to Remote Access Raspberry by VNC helps you to setup remote access in simple steps. You will be able to access the graphical interface of your Raspberry by executing this How To.

Remote Access Raspberry
Index of Remote Access Raspberry by VNC
Wouldn’t it be amazing to access the graphical interface (the screen) of your Raspberry remotely or from an other computer? Well, this how to helps you to exactly do this by leveraging on VNC. The how to assumes you have
- A running Raspberry Pi
- A standard Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit) installation
- Network access on the remote computer, but also on the Raspberry Pi
- You are in the same network for both, your Raspberry Pi and your remote computer
- You know your IP address of your Raspberry
- You use a Mac to Access your Raspberry
How to Remote Access Raspberry by VNC
First of all, you login into your Raspberry Pi. Most likely you use your screen/monitor for this. On your Raspberry Graphical interface you select “Preferences” and then “Raspberry Pi Configuration”, as shown in the below picture.

Select Raspberry Pi Configuration
Within the “Raspberry Pi Configuration”, you activate VNC, as shown in the below picture.

Activate VNC on Raspberry Pi
That’s basically it! Simple, isn’t it? Now lets go on to your Mac or Remote computer….
Download the VNC Viewer
You can download the official VNC Viewer from the official website. To install it, you download it and following this you install it on your Mac.
Connect to your Raspberry using the VNC Viewer
Basically, start your VNC Viewer that you installed in the previous step on your Mac. Enter the IP address of your Raspberry Pi.

Connect to Raspberry with the VNC Viewer
Once successfully logged in, you should see a screen like the below:

Logged in into Raspberry via VNC Viewer
Here you go! Now you can use your Raspberry remotely by using the VNC Viewer! Enjoy!
Additional Information
The official website of RealVNC consists of a lot of additional information, including how you can use it for your professional business. I prefer to manage my Raspberry Pi via SSH, but certainly, if you rely on graphical interfaces, then the VNC Viewer is a great option. To access you raspberry in a secure manner by SSH you maybe like to check out my Hardening of OpenHAB Guide which explains next to others how to securely leverage on SSH. Of course, this is foreseen for the OpenHAB openhabian OS, but it most likely works on any Debian or Debian based Linux.
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